Flynn - taking a break from shooting THE PRINCE & THE PAUPER - checks a review copy of his first novel, BEAM ENDS (30kb)

Books about Errol Flynn

Books by Errol Flynn

Friends & Family

Quick Bux Tell-alls

Books About the Films

Literary Origins

Noteworthy titles

Fictional pieces featuring Errol Flynn

Miscellaneous Books

Featured film of the week


Errol Flynn filmography


Corrections, Acknowledgements, & Feedback


Errol Flynn at Northampton 4 sale

The Errol Flynn Library

Welcome to what I hope will be the ultimate Errol Flynn bibliography in existence!

Many people had something to say about Errol Flynn, including Errol Flynn! And I know since most fans also look through movie books for noteworthy mention or a rare still, I'll even try to cover that as well. Am I biting off more than I can chew? Hmmmm...

...Well, the worst that can happen is that there will be a list so long of one category that I would break it up into MORE categories rather than have you folks wait an eternity to download one long page (I think the filmography page is about as long as a ny single page on the Web SHOULD be, don't you?). I can that see this area of the site will undergo many changes as sections are built and categories rearranged.

For the time being, these are the categories which the Library will be broken down into:

  • Books by Errol Flynn
  • Books about Errol Flynn
  • Quick bux tell-alls
  • Books by friends and family
  • Books about the films of Errol Flynn
  • Literary origins
  • Noteworthy (a few pages or a chapter devoted to Flynn)
  • Fictional works featuring Errol Flynn
  • Miscellaneous
There's no doubt that many books can easily fall into more than one of these categories. I'll have to deal with the fine lines as I go along. You'll also notice that many of these categories will contain subcategories.

Please note:
Pages linking from here will have a different navigational bar than the rest of the site; they will either end up back here, on the homepage, or elsewhere in the library.

Books about Errol Flynn Books by Errol Flynn Books About the Films
Friends & Family Quick Bux Tell-alls Literary Origins
Noteworthy titles Fictional pieces featuring Errol Flynn Miscellaneous Books

Featured film of the week FlynnWatch Errol Flynn filmography Miscellany

All original contents (writing, graphics) ęD.David
and may not be used without permission

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